【 Abstract 】 Cross site scripting (XSS) is one of the most popular WEB Attacking methods at present, and also one of the most risky web attacks. Because of the popularization of JavaScript, the scene of the cross site scripting attack is also gradually d it’s more and more harmful with the hacker’s deepening understanding. Compared with other vulnerabilities, all the scanners have a high accuracy for the recognition of the XSS, Popularize of XSS platform which is for XSS depth using manufacturing conditions, make more and more people bee masters of XSS attack. In the foreseeable future, XSS will be essential knowledge for website is paper analysis how XSS vulnerabilities could be used at present,which may be helpful to developers who are going to write some process with the relevant business scene code, also make more security engineeers know it, to promote the development of Inter security ecological circle.
20世纪以来,全区草原“三化”面积占草原总面积由 60年代的18%增加到80年代的39%直至目前的62%,每个羊单位拥有的草场面积50年代的3.4公顷减少到目前的0.6公顷。目前,内蒙古草原治理规模仅占草原总面积的20.65%,占退化、沙化、盐渍化草原面积的33.3%,亟需治理的草原面积仍然巨大,仍有14.76%的草原生态恶化势头加剧。现实的情况是,内蒙古草原生态治理的立地条件越来越差,建设难度进一步加大。面对国家日益强化的“生态红线”*策,再用5年时间将草原综合植被盖度提高12个百分点,建设的任务依然十分艰巨。